Creative Process Collective is here to help you get going on your business journey and save you valuable time & effort sorting your systems and processes.

Mission: get your processes sorted first so you can run your biz on autopilot.

So basically, this is the place you visit before you get started on your website, branding or other creative journey. Heck, you may want to even stop in here if you are still figuring out where your business is headed and who you want to target. It’s about taking ownership, getting educated and putting your best foot forward from the start.

The thing is, I’ve been there, done that when it comes to just ‘winging it’ and hoping for the best. I’ve shed those 2am tears of frustration, I’ve jumped up and down over projects gone wrong. It’s through those experiences that I can tell you there absolutely is a way past them, and it’s as simple as…

Wait, tell me more!

Let me sum it up real quick…

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Ensure you don’t waste precious time and energy by using the helpful ready-made guides and templates to do your planning or sort your communication before you begin a project.

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Save your hard earned cash as a creative client OR avoid costly project mistakes by getting the creative process right from the get go. Select from many helpful resources to streamline your project.

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The more prep work you do before you start a project will greatly reduce/remove stress levels down the track. Set solid foundations and stop dreading emails or fumbling through project milestones.


Hi pals! I’m so excited you are here.

You might be saying, hey, I’ve seen you somewhere before haven’t I? And you’d be correct! As well as being the creative by CPC, I also run January Made Design full time and work with amazing businesses on their websites and branding.

I created this sister business as a complimentary addition to January Made because I increasingly saw a gap between creative clients knowing their business inside and out, but lost when it came to handling their project and process as a whole.

I’m going to help bridge this gap


“The purpose of setting goals is to win the game. The purpose of building systems is to continue playing the game. It’s not about any single accomplishment. It is about the cycle of endless refinement & continuous improvement. Ultimately, it is your commitment to the process that will determine your progress.”

― James Clear, Atomic Habits