Creative Process Templates + Resources

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Why Launching a Digital Product is a Gamechanger for your Business

I remember my very first digital products. I designed a few planners purely to use for myself when travelling. Then the spark ignited – if I needed something like this, maybe someone else might find them beneficial! From there my love for digital products snowballed and I now have multiple templates, resources and products selling from my online stores, as well as a course also brewing/in the works. Why is this relevant to you? Well, it took me a few goes, trial and error and a bit of googling to really get a streamlined way of designing and/or launching and I wish I’d maybe found a resource a little earlier to help.

Creating my own digital products have enabled me to not only earn on autopilot but more importantly given me a creative outlet where I create simply based on passion or a need I have found within my community.

01 – Passive income

First and foremost, launching a course/program or product means that unless you cap your item to only sell a certain amount or have an end date (like a program possibly), it will keep earning long after you’ve moved on to the next product which equals passive income or $$ while you quite literally sleep.

This is MASSIVE as it means you can work on other parts of your business/provide services while your other courses/programs/digi products take on a life of their own and make you money. It also can help take the pressure off week to week or month to month if you experience a dip in client work or need to take a break/holiday for any reason.

02 – Creative/passion outlet

As much as you may love your day to day work, sometimes being ruled by your clients needs and wants can become draining on your own creative ideas or process. The beauty of digital products or passion work is that YOU become the client and you can explore any style or content you like!

You’ll still need to have your target audience in mind (as your course/program/product will need to sell) but the design potential becomes more broad and you are more free to explore your own ideas.

03 – Helping more people at a time

This is a big one and a point I’ve really only come to see as important recently! As creative service providers we are valued for our 1:1 time and priority of care and attention. If you are like me, you may only work with a select few clients a month which can often leave a long waiting list of eager biz owners wanting your services.

By creating a course, product or program that they can purchase and use at any time, you can then help many more people at a time (and also earn $$ at the same time as working with 1:1 clients!).

04 – Target a different audience/niche

Launching a digital product, course or program can open up a whole new world for your business in terms of audience and/or business niche. There is no set rule you need to create something specifically for your current target audience (or at least not exclusively) and this can be your chance to brand out and reach a wider audience you know are interested but you haven’t been able to connect with until now.

Example – My main target audience for my 1:1 design work is usually small to medium sized businesses who are in need of comprehensive branding/website design, who aren’t here for a DIY approach. I actually have 3 unique audiences for my digital products who are:

  1. Businesses owners wanting to DIY their design a bit more (possibly lower budget or need something quicker)

  2. Business owners wanting to work with me but need more education/resources to help them plan out their content/design/process

  3. And other creatives - who would like to learn more about my processes/systems in order to level up their own business

So by creating resources, templates and other digital products, this allows me to broaden my audience range and reach people I normally might be able to by just providing 1:1 services.

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